PLEASE READ: We have made some enhancements to our eReader. To navigate to the previous page, use the LEFT ARROW KEY on your keyboard OR click the left arrow button on the page. To navigate to the next page, use the RIGHT ARROW KEY OR SPACEBAR on your keyboard OR click the right arrow button on the page. If you have a touch device you can also swipe left and right to navigate.
Table of Contents
When selecting the Main Menu on the left-hand side, users will be able to select the Table of Contents.

Once Table of Contents is selected, users can go directly to any chapter by clicking the chapter number. A drop-down menu will appear that lists different page numbers and topics within the chapter.

Page by Page and Page Number Search
If you want to navigate to the previous page or the next page, use the arrows in the top right section of your eBook. In the same area, you can enter a page number to quickly go to a different page.