Step 1 of 2: Creating the LTI Key

  1. In Global Navigation, click the Admin link, then click the name of the account
  2. In Account Navigation, click the Developer Keys link.
  3. Click the Add Developer Key button and select LTI Key
  4. Enter the following information
    • Key Name: myBusinessCourse LTI 1.3 Key
    • Owner Email:
    • Redirect URIs:
    • Under Configure, Select the following method: Enter URL
    • Paste the following JSON URL:
    • Click Save
    • A Client ID will be automatically generated and displays in the Details column.
    • Provide us with the CLIENT ID (email
  5. Enable the developer key by switching it to on (see screenshot below)

Step 2 of 2: Install the LTI Tool at the Account or Sub-Account Level

  1. At the account level, external tools must be installed in the External Apps page in Account Settings.  In Global Navigation, click the Admin link, then click the name of the account or sub-account
  2. Click the Settings link in the left sidebar (see screenshot below)

  3. Click the Apps tab. 
  4. Click the View App Configurations button.
  5. Click the Add App button.
  6. Select the Configuration Type drop-down menu and set the configuration type to By Client ID.
  7. Add App CLIENT ID (You can obtain the Client ID from the LTI developer key generated above.)
  8. Click the Submit button.
  9. If the app has already been added in the account, Canvas verifies that you still want to install the app. To continue, click the Yes, Install Tool button.