PLEASE READ: Integration Best Practices
- If you copied a previous Moodle course, make sure you have removed all MBC assignment links in your new Moodle course before integrating.
- Any assignment setting changes (number of attempts, open/close dates, etc.) should be made in myBusinessCourse, as these will carry over to Moodle.
- Any gradebook setting changes (weights, dropping, etc.) should be made in Moodle.
- From Moodle, navigate to the course you'd like to embed content.
- On the course page, turn on Edit mode.
- In section you'd like to embed content, click Add activity or resource.
- Select myBusinessCourse LTI 1.3
- The Adding a new External tool form will load.
- Under General, click the Select Content button.
- Once myBusinessCourse loads, select a course
- You will be prompted to select a section and confirm the integration. If all the information looks correct click the Yes, Integrate Now button
- You will be redirected to a Content Selection page which will contain all your myBusinessCourse chapter/modules resources.
- Select the resources you would like to embed in your course
PLEASE NOTE: If your Moodle instance is v3.9, you can only embedded one item at a time. - Scroll to the bottom and click the Embed Content button
- You will be redirected back to your Moodle course and asked to confirm the items you are embedding.
- Click the Save and return to course button. The myBusinessCourse content will be embedded.
- You can repeat this process to embed content as often as you’d like and in any content area of your Moodle course.