At this time, there isn't a way for the system to automatically deduct points from an assignment if it is submitted past the due date. However, there is a work-around available to you.

Reopen the assignment and manually reduce grades

If you choose to reopen an assignment that has closed (for all students or via a User Override for students you would like to allow reentry), you can deduct points manually from within the gradebook for those who submit the assignment past the original closing date.

From your instructor dashboard…

  1. Select Go to Course.
  2. Select Gradebook in the menu on the left.
  3. Select Turn editing on in the upper-right corner.
  4. Type in the new grade amount.
  5. Select Save changes at the bottom.

See Override Grades (Assignment as a Whole section of article) for instruction with screenshots.

Manually overridden grades will appear shaded yellow.

HINT:  View all attempts made at the assignment and sort by date completed to easily determine students for whom grades need to be reduced. If more than one attempt was made by a student, the graded attempt (final grade in gradebook) is shaded blue.

  1. Go to the Gradebook and click on the column header for the assignment.
  2. Click on the Completed column header to sort (Click again if need to reverse sorted order).
  3. Take a screenshot or make a list of students submitting late. Follow steps above to modify grade

Alternative: Create an Alternate Assignment

You can elect to create a duplicate of the assignment that opens after the original version closes, and set it to a reduced number of points, to allow students to submit the assignment late for fewer points.

  1. Navigate to the assignment and click Edit
  2. Use the Copy Assignment or the Assign for Practice feature.
    • IMPORTANT: Copy Assignment will retain the template used in the original assignment.
      Assign for Practice will use the Practice template (Check button & Unlimited attempts), so you may want to change the template used once created.

Set the assignment to Open after the original Closes (Opening date/time is auto-populated with the Assign for Practice feature) and Close at the desired date/time.

Set Points to the reduced value.

IMPORTANT!!!   You will not want students to be penalized for the version not completed, or earn points for both versions, so modifications will need to be made to the gradebook.  

  • Exclude Empty Grades: exclude grade for specific assignment for selected students
    • ex: exclude make-up version from grade calculation of students taking the original version, and vice versa
  • NOTE: If a student attempted both versions, ALSO manually Override Grade (Assignment as a whole) for the version not to be counted to 0.