Instructors can now associate a single account with multiple institutions.

Instructors that teach at multiple schools are able to associate additional institutions with their account, allowing access to all resources and courses through a single account. 

Additional institutions must be added during the initial account registration process. 

But I already have an account?

Click Request Help on your Dashboard to reach out to the Instructor Support Team for assistance. We are happy to add the additional institution(s) to your account!

How do I associate different courses with the different institutions?

Instructors will be able to select the appropriate school for their course during the course creation process.

The associated school will be listed in the Course Details:

Helpful Tips

If course titles or course numbers aren't enough to differentiate, here are some helpful tips...

  1. Consider including a reference to the school in the course name.
  2. Color-code the courses
    • Click the square to select preferred color.