You have the ability to create your own courses! Generating a New Course will provide you with the Course Shell*. The course shell is applicable in the following scenarios:
If you prefer to see the process in video format, click here: Create a New Course
- First-time users
- User of a new edition
- Anyone wanting to start from scratch (course shell includes video content but no assignments).
*QuickBooks users: The shell will provide you with the Author's prebuilt course.
If you prefer to see the process in video format, click here: Create a New Course
Create a New Course
- If you do not already have a course, click Create New Course, otherwise, click Create Course.
- Enter the Course Name and Select the Academic Term from the drop-down menu (or check Enter a term an type in the term/year).
- If your account is associated with more than one school, select the associated institution from the drop-down menu.
- If your account is associated with more than one school, select the associated institution from the drop-down menu.
- Select the Number of sections for this term.
- Keep students organized if teaching more than one group of students in the same course/same term.
- All sections have access to course content (assignments, videos, etc.).
- Allows for Assignment Dates to differ among sections.
- Assignments can be turned On/Off by section if needed.
- Enter the Section Name.
- Enter the Section End Date (end of term).
- Click Create Course.
The course may take a few minutes to generate. You may navigate away from the screen or log out.