Use the following steps to attempt an assignment.
- Select the assignment link you wish to attempt and read the information to verify that you're in the right assignment.
- Click the Attempt assignment now button.
- Click Next button at the bottom of the page to see the next page of questions.
- Click the Flag in the box next to the question to put a temporary marker on it.
- Notice the assignment Navigation block in the upper left corner; you can use it to jump to any question.
Question boxes for the current page are in bold.Flagged questions will have a red corner in their box.
- To finish the exam, select Finish attempt in the Navigation block on the last page of the exam.
- The Summary of attempt page will review the questions as well as alert you to questions not attempted.
Summary of attempt page - Select any question page number, or Return to attempt, to go back to the assignments.
- Click on Submit all and finish to have your assignments scored. A warning will pop-up informing you that you can no longer change your answers.