Auto Graded assignments can be used for anything from ungraded practice to Final Exams. You have access to multiple Question Banks and can mix-and-match questions to suit your needs.

If you prefer to see the process in video format, click here: How to Build an Auto Graded Assignment

Create an Auto Graded Assignment

  1. From the Instructor Dashboard, click Go to Course.
  2. From the Course Home Page, click Course Content to expand your Course Navigation Menu.
    • Click on the Chapter/(Module) in which to build the Auto Graded assignment.
  3. Click Add an assignment or resource.
  4. Select Auto Graded Assignment.

Settings Tab

  1. Name the assignment.
    • Assignment name becomes the column header in the Gradebook.
  2. Select a Template.
  3. Click Continue to timing.

Timing Tab

  1. Set Submission Options
    STRONGLY recommended to keep the default setting of Open attempts are submitted automatically.
  2. Set Timing parameters for each Section.
    • Toggle Date/Time fields to ON and set dates/times.
      • Open = date/time students can gain access
      • Close = due date; students can no longer work the assignment past this date/time
      • WARNING!  If unset, assignment has no restriction and is and/or will remain OPEN!
      • If a Time Limit is required, toggle Time Limit field to ON if required.
        • Real-Time running clock
        • Recommended for Testing purposes.
        • Attempts allowed is an Override to the template settings.
          • Adjusting the number of attempts alters this assignment only.
  3. Click Save & Continue to Questions.

Questions Tab

  1. On the left-hand panel, Select a Question Bank from the drop-down field.
    • Filter to needed Chapter(s)/Module(s)
    • Filter further if desired.
  2. In the center panel, Select Questions to assign.
    • Click boxes to add multiple questions at once.
    • Click on the question to expand options.
      • Preview
      • Add static version or algorithmic version (if available)
    • Click Add Questions.
      • Included questions appear in right-hand panel.
  3. Optional:  Click Set Points if you want to change the default point value per question or for the assignment.
    • Points can also be manually changed/distributed by clicking in the points field for a question, backspace, enter the new value, Enter.
    • Assignment Value is sum total of all questions' point values.Optional:  Click to check Shuffle to change the order questions are received by each student.
    • Recommended for Testing.
  4. Click Save & Exit.