We highly recommend that you create a zero point practice exam. This ensures students are set up correctly for use with the LockDown Browser and avoids issues during actual exams.
Practice Exam
The importance of a practice exam cannot be overstated. Using the LockDown Browser requires that the browser be installed correctly and gives students a chance to use, and become familiar with, the software.
We recommend creating a short, ungraded, zero-point exam so that students can install the software and become familiar with using the browser. You can also give the exam unlimited attempts in case they need to reinstall the software or there are other unforeseen issues.
Add to Syllabus
- The inclusion and use of the LockDown Browser in your course should be added to your syllabus.
- These are the items that we recommend be included in the introductory documentation to your students.
- Explanation that the LockDown Browser will be used on online tests.
- Follow the link below to our guides for students. These include introductory materials, use, and installation.
- Student Guides for LockDown Browser