Instruction is DIFFERENT for Excel files. See Using Excel Files (with Respondus).

If you are using the LockDown Browser for an exam, but want to provide files for student reference during the exam, such as Word or PowerPoint files, links must be included within the assignment itself. This is done through the use of Custom Questions.

IMPORTANT!!! You will first need to upload the file to a cloud-based file-sharing service such as DropBox (recommended; free versions available). 

  • It is helpful to have the service open in a new tab before creating your question or paste your links into a Word doc for easy/quick reference.
  • Be sure to copy the link to the file from the web-version (ex:; Links created from a service's App often do not work.

Provide Files to Students within a LockDown Assignment

Create a Custom Description Question

To create a custom question, begin within the Course. Click Course Settings on the left menu panel and select My Custom Questions.
  1. Click Create a new question
  2. Select the Description option under OTHER, at the bottom of the pop-up window.
    Click Add
  3. Fill in only the Question name (what you will see in My Customs Questions) and Question display name (what Students will see if setting enabled). Description
  4. Type needed information in the Question text field. Link Icon in Toolbar
  5. Highlight the text to link to the file then click the Link icon in the toolbar.
    Link Icon in Toolbar
  6. Paste the link to the file (ex: from DropBox; see note at top of page) in the Enter a URL field.
    Check Open in new window then click Create link.
    Link Icon in Toolbar NOTE: Activating Open in new window ensures Mac and iPad users can access the file and makes it easier for all students to toggle back and forth between the exam and the provided file.

  7. Repeat for any additional links to be included in the question.

Add Description Question to Assignment 

Create your Auto-graded assignment

  1. On the Questions screen, select My Custom Questions from the Question Bank dropdown menu.
    Select the custom question(s) to be included then click Add Questions (bottom of center panel).
    Link Icon in Toolbar
  2. Set the point value of the Description question to 0 by clicking in the points field, backspacing, and entering 0. Strike Enter to retain change.Link Icon in Toolbar
    • Continue adding questions until the assignment is populated.

  3. Modify point values for graded questions as/if needed.

  4. Save Changes.

  5. Enable the LockDown Browser for the assignment.

Enable the LockDown Browser for the Assignment

Enable the LockDown Browser for the assignment.


  • The Description Question will appear on the assignment as an " i " (for Information) rather than a number.
    Link Icon in Toolbar
  • It is recommended to make the Description question the first on the assignment.

  • If the Shuffle feature is used, the question will appear in random locations on the assignment for students. Be sure to inform them to look for the " i " identifier.