We highly recommend that you create a zero point practice exam. This ensures students are set up correctly for use with the LockDown Browser and avoids issues during actual exams.

Set Up Practice Exam

To set up a Practice Exam, you will follow these steps.

  1. From your Dashboard, click Go to Course.
  2. Click Add an assignment or resource on the appropriate chapter/module page.
  3. Select Auto Graded Assignment and then click Add.
  4. Enter a name at the top of the settings page.
  5. Select the Practice template (this gives unlimited attempts in case they need to reinstall the software).
  6. Click Continue to timing.
  7. Set up your opening/closing dates and time limit.
  8. Click Save and Continue to Questions.
  9. From the Questions page, select the questions you would like to assign.
  10. Click Set points and adjust the total points for the Practice Exam to zero.
  11. Click Save Assignment.

Enable Respondus LockDown Browser

Now that the Practice Exam has been created, you will just need to enable the Respondus LockDown Browser through the following steps.

  1. Select Course Settings from the Navigation on the left.
  2. Select LockDown Browser.
  3. Click the arrow icon to the left of the Practice Exam and then select Settings.
  4. Select Require Respondus LockDown Browser for this exam.
  5. Click Advanced Settings to see more settings for Respondus LockDown Browser (if you would like—not mandatory).
  6. Click Save + Close.

You have successfully added the Respondus LockDown Browser to your Practice Exam!